In Greg’s last last blog he touched on the WHS structures and processes now rolled out routinely in large organisations (200+ employees). In this blog, we continue by encouraging SME’s to emulate their large business counterparts and suggest some immediate practical steps that will see your business well on the road to safety and compliance. […]
I though that you might like a change from me, so I have asked a WH&S expert from our team to write this blog. In 2021 – 169 people died due to work-related traumatic injuries. Australia’s Lost-time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) paints an unsettling work health and safety scenario – one week or more was […]
Whilst we are celebrating International Women’s Day today I wanted to remember that good business partnerships are often founded on couples going into business together whose strengths lie in diverse, but complimentary, areas. So often we hear the catchcry “Behind every good man there is a great woman”, as if his success depends on this […]
Where did you go?
11/02/2013It hurts doesn’t it? When someone in your team decides to leave you after you have invested significant time and money in them. Just think about it – there was the recruitment drive, recruitment fees, onboarding, induction, on the job training, external training and the time it took until they were a fully functional member […]
It’s the biggest secret all managers want to know – the Holy Grail if you will. How do I get more out of my employees? An extra 10% effort on their part would make the world of difference and potentially add 19% to the bottom line – but how do I organise this? Well let […]
What are we going to do with Ed?
28/01/2013Every business has one ‘problem’ or non-performing employee and if you don’t, I would suspect that you are probably not being completely honest with yourself. It is a competitive world and if you are going to succeed, you not only need to ‘win the war for talent’, you need to retain it. If an individual […]
My Driver
15/01/2013I wanted to write this morning about my driver; my bus driver to be precise, who does one of the most stressful and undervalued jobs in the world! This bus driver has compelled me to ring his employer on at least two occasions to comment on his excellent customer service – then he disappeared and […]
‘Tis the season to be working?
09/01/2013Hang on I think I have that wrong – isn’t it meant to be the season to be jolly or to rest? One of the challenges of working for yourself is that your boss can be a real *****! So why do we do it to ourselves? One of the challenges is the level of […]
Everywhere you look at the moment there is doom and gloom and there are some organisations doing it really tough – hoping that the market will pick up but, if it doesn’t, what can you do? Some organisations may need to consider redundancies for the greater good of the business; so can you make roles […]