Your Outsourced In-House 
 HR & Recruitment Team 
We help you hire, manage and, when needed, exit better.
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Employee Matters:
HR & Recruitment Consultants
We are your in-house, outsourced HR and Recruitment experts - partnering with you to create and action your People Strategy to drive profit, growth and sustainability in your organisation.
"Your employees should be your greatest strength, but they could be your greatest risk."
Human Resources
We offer in-house outsourced HR services covering policies, procedures, and compliance, with our services tailored to your organisational needs.
Ditch the agency fees, choose Recruitment Matters. We provide you with a total recruitment service to help you hire the best talent at a fraction of agency costs.
Employee Metrics
Employee Metrics is a comprehensive HR diagnostic solution that provides detailed insights into your workplace practices using the Employee Matters 9-Step Employee Lifecycle methodology.
Book a free call to discuss your HR, Recruitment or ER Legislation challenges with an experienced member of the Employee Matters team:
Matthew Grove
Simon Pilkington
Glen McLeod
Ana Apostolescu
Nick Kenny
Stuart FitzRoy
Drew Alexander
Kathryn Kavanagh
Brian Doughty
Our Clients
Our HR Experts and Recruitment Experts have extensive experience working with organisations large and small, from supporting the capacity of internal HR/Recruitment functions of multinational corporations to helping startups and SMEs in fast growth mode find great people and set them up for success with best-practice HR strategies, policies & procedures.
Our approach is to analyse each client’s unique requirements and to create a bespoke HR roadmap. As such, we’re able to support clients operating across a wide range of industries and specialisations, including:
- Aged Care
- Agriculture
- Construction
- Consulting
- Disability
- Education
- Energy & Renewables
- Finance
- Government
- Healthcare
- Hospitality
- I.T.
- Insurance
- Legal Services
- Manufacturing
- Marketing/Advertising
- Media/Entertainment
- Not-For-Profits
- Pharmaceutical
- Real Estate
- Retail
- Start-Ups
- Telecommunications
- Transportation
Client Satisfaction
We take pride in delivering services that leave our customers satisfied. We constantly receive positive feedback from both management and employees about our ‘Employee Matters difference’ – having an expert that feels like a member of the organisation they can come to for advice and help. The most common feedback we have received from clients is that Employee Matters are knowledgeable and professional, responsive, and great to deal with.
Employee Matters is always striving to improve, which is why we keep track of our Net Promoter Score. We have a track record of excellent NPS and customer satisfaction scores – you can watch, hear and read what our customer say:

About Us
Employee Matters was founded in 2011 by Natasha and Mark Hawker. Natasha identified a gap in the market with businesses being vulnerable due to a lack of in-house HR skills or capacity, and no suitable HR support provided on a flexible basis.
Employee Matters has evolved to a specialised team of HR and Recruitment professionals – with every Expert having at least 10 years of experience in their respective fields, and many having over 20 years of experience.
Our strategic approach covers HR roadmaps and organisational reporting and analysis. We offer skills-based and knowledge-based training workshops across the full HR lifecycle for managers and team members. Our recruitment services are end-to-end, covering everything from job descriptions to hire.
Our Mission and Vision
Employee Matters understands that exceptional HR doesn’t just fix and prevent people issues – it can be the competitive edge your business needs to drive profit, growth, and sustainability.
Employee Matters’ mission is to deliver an unrivalled level of HR and recruitment service and expertise on a flexible basis by taking a strategic approach so you can create ‘Employee Assets’ who drive your success. We are here to help organisations by stepping in to provide HR and recruitment services as needed. We partner with businesses who want to maximise profitability and productivity through their employees.
Our vision is to make a difference through our HR and recruitment support. We help organisations by providing outsourced in-house HR and recruitment services at a fraction of the cost of internal departments or using recruitment agencies. Whether you are struggling with hiring the best employees, understanding your Employee Relations obligations, or managing non-performers, Employee Matters is here to help.
Our Values
Employee Matters takes pride in adhering to our core values of authenticity and integrity, commerciality, being experts in our field, building long-term relationships, and reinforcing that employees matter.
How We Can Help You
We have partnered with numerous businesses, working with internal HR departments, start-ups, internal recruitment teams and agencies, businesses undergoing restructuring or acquisition, and businesses with rapid growth.
We also specialise in recruitment help, offering our expert services at a fraction of the cost of agency fees.
Why Choose Employee Matters?
Employee Matters is here to solve your HR and Recruitment challenges. Our experienced Employee Experts will embed themselves into your business as a part of your team, so your success is our success.
When you choose Employee Matters, you are choosing cost-effective HR and recruitment services without any compromise on quality. We can deliver:
- flexible solutions tailor-made to your requirements and budget and take a strategic approach with your long-term success in mind.
- a clear HR strategy that delivers real business results, achieving productivity and profitability through your people. Our Employee Experts are Senior HR Managers that will understand and address your specific business needs with their expertise.
- a cost-effective recruitment solution at a fraction of agencies pricing.
- best-practice education for your people leaders.
- one-on-one coaching and team workshops for your employees.
Need HR/Recruitment Support?
Employee Matters offers a full-service HR and Recruitment solution, which can be personalised to suit your business needs. Whether you need ad-hoc help or strategic and ongoing HR and recruitment services, we are here to assist you.
Call (02) 8021 4206 or email to discuss your HR, Recruitment or ER Legislation challenges with an experienced member of the Employee Matters team.
Alternatively, you can book a free call by completing the adjacent form:
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How HR Consultants Drive Employee Engagement and Retention
Exit Interviews in Australia: The Ultimate Guide
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- Crisis business - This is a business that is in despair. Typically we see these businesses being unaware of the People risks they have. For example, breaches of employment laws such as the Fair Work Act, Modern Awards or Health and Safety rules. In many cases they may even be aware of breaches but they either don’t care or don’t feel they can do anything about it - “how can I afford to pay my people Award rates and run my business?” is a typical catchcry. Often their workforce is hostile and their business performance is best described as dysfunctional. The key to moving out of this ‘Red Zone’ business space is to recognise that you are in this state, and to have the courage to spend time, money and effort in turning the business around. If you feel you are in this space and, importantly, if you are prepared to invest in the change, Employee Matters is here to help you.
- Directionless Business - This is a business that is somewhat disillusioned. If your business is in this space you are typically unaware of your risk profile and what you need to do to meet your Employment Relations compliance requirements. You have a workforce that is disengaged; they turn up for work in body but with little spirit or motivation and business performance is inconsistent. There is a focus on the cheapest price possible for your business investments. If you are in this ‘Amber Zone’ we can help, by first of all, assessing the state of your business with our ‘Employee Metrics’ HR diagnostic tool and then set out to build a program that ensures you manage your people-risk effectively and then move on to establishing some great practices across all nine stages of the Employee Life Cycle (more about the Life Cycle later).
- Achieving Business - This is a good place to be! You have a people strategy underpinning your business plan and you are aware of your risks. Your employees perform well, are happy working for you and you have good business performance. This ‘Green Zone’ is a good place to be, but the question is, is it good enough? We call the line between this level of business and the next the ‘Good Enough’ line. Things are good, but are they great? If you want a great business where ‘good enough’ really isn’t good enough and you really are striving for people who can take your business forward, where to from here?
- Mastery Business - You have mastered your business, when you have your risk well managed and you have systems in place to ensure you are always on top of, and mitigating or eliminating, risk. You have a ‘Volunteer’ workforce who are fully engaged with your business and perform so well, that they can manage your business without you. This allows you to move out of the business and work on your business strategy, knowing the business will sustain itself, perform well and make great profits. More importantly, your business is now a highly ‘saleable’ asset. This ‘Blue Zone’ is better than merely good enough; it’s the key to your business and personal dreams.
- HR Distance Model - This is generally a price-driven, commoditised external service. Typically these are delivered via a call centre or helpline, where you speak to a different person every time you make a call. Your issues are dealt with reactively, so there is no help with proactively planning your HR strategy. Often you have to sign up on an extended support contract which locks you into the service, as this gives the HR support business the certainty of revenue allowing them to control their margins. So while the advice and expertise may be OK, the model is volume-based and efficient from the supplier's perspective, but the service capability is very limited.
- HR Account Manager Model - Here at Employee Matters, this is our standard operating practice. We offer you a dedicated HR and/or Recruitment expert who works proactively with you, in your business. We are there to support you, coach or mentor you, in understanding the people in your business and how best to manage and lead them. Or, we can simply do the work for you, coming ‘in and out’ of the business as you need us. You have the support of a highly experienced expert, knowing that there is a wider team of experts behind them, also ready to support you. You speak to the same person all the time, so they know your business and your specific challenges and goals, and are part of your team, even if they are not ‘on the books’ of your business. Now, this is a great service; but you can go further than this:
- Employee Asset Model - What if you wanted to attain Mastery in your business, moving it into the ‘Blue Zone’ we talked about above? Where your people treasure your business as much as you do, so much so that a Bank would lend you money based on your Employee Assets, just as easily as they would on your physical assets or your Balance Sheet. Where you can step out of working in your business; allowing you to:
- Work on your business, setting the strategic direction and focussing on the bigger picture, allowing you to grow the business to new heights
- Take time out of your business and enjoy the other aspects of your life; family, travel, study
- Create a business that does not require you, and so has a high saleable value for when it comes time to exit the business, passing it on to your kids or realising the value of this great asset upon sale
- Employee Asset Model We have had so much interaction with so many clients over the years, that we’ve come to see that, at the centre of this kind of Business Mastery, is your ‘Treasury of People’ – building a business where your employees treasure your business as much as you do and, ultimately, that you are building a business treasure trove of motivated, engaged, skilled and experienced Employee Assets, that can drive your business forward, even when you are not around.
- Profit - What makes your business viable
- Growth - The key value driver for your business
- Sustainability - This is critical to survival in the long term, but also key to your ability to scale your business, ‘give back’ in whatever way motivates you and, importantly, makes your business a valuable saleable asset
- Performance
- Culture
- Risk Management
- Performance - High performing teams of great people are what drive your profitability and the growth of your company. To really press the accelerator on your business, you cannot rely on your skill, drive and resilience alone; this is a recipe for burnout. Having people on board who are motivated, skilled and crazy for success, creates a momentum in your business making greater performance and growth a certainty.
- Culture - A lot of businesses struggle with ‘Culture’ in terms of what it means and, importantly, what it means for them. Don’t let your difficulties in defining it, or getting comfortable with what it means for you, blind you to the power of Culture. How things get done in your business and, importantly, people's attitude to seeing that they are done - and done really, really well - are key drivers of your profitability. This is where people are interested in working smarter rather than just harder. Just as importantly however, is the potential for sustainable profitability. While it is true that aggressive, winner-takes-all cultures can produce great profits, they can’t do this for very long. It is these cultures where, eventually, we see corners being cut, rules bent and ultimately broken, and increasingly dysfunctional workplaces where everyone is trying to beat their colleagues, as well as the competition.
- Risk Management - We can hear the yawns already! Who wants to talk about risk management; it's not as ‘exciting’ as performance and not as ‘interesting’ as Culture, but when it comes to the success of your business it is just as important. It’s managing your risks, that allows you to plan your growth and keep your plans on track. It is also vital to ensure you have a long-term, valuable business. Managing risks keeps you in business, so you can eventually see the growth take hold and then manage that growth for the long-term.
- hire the best people you can possibly afford
- Attracting the right people with your Employee Value Proposition
- Finding them through advanced candidate search techniques
- Ensuring you are hiring the best possible fit for the role
- Onboarding new people, so you realise the value of your new asset quickly and effectively
- manage and optimise their input by having the systems in place to clearly identify what needs to be done and how your employees can contribute to this
- measure your, and their, progress against targets by having processes to accurately identify everyone’s contribution, what this looks like over time and what they need to change to take that contribution to new heights
- train your team for optimal performance
- Having a framework so you are clear on what competencies are needed for every role
- Identifying what development needs everyone has, for their current and future roles
- How to implement training that best meets your business needs
- build and maintain levels of engagement and understand how to measure and positively affect
- What your people say about your business
- How much they want to stay with your business
- How far they will strive to make your business a success
- have a proactive approach to the well-being of your people
- assess what people risks you are exposed to through our world class HR diagnostic tool Employee Metrics, to identify the risks, the level and the importance of the risk and recommend what you can do to mitigate or eliminate your people risk
- maintain a robust policy framework, ensuring you have all the policies you need from a compliance perspective, as well as giving clarity to you and your people around what is expected and how things will operate. Policies such as Health & Safety, Equal Employment Opportunity, Leave, Appropriate Workplace behaviour, etc., are vital for this
- know how to exit both non-performers and employees that you might like to work for you again. Exits can be difficult whatever the circumstances. If the circumstances are good, you need to manage the exit as part of maintaining your Employee Value Proposition, Where they are not good, you need to ensure you are complying with everything you need to, to best protect your business. Whatever the nature of someone’s exit, you can always learn from them or the situation
- Assess the areas where you are using this traffic light system
- Let you know relatively how important each area is to your business, so you can set priorities
- Make specific recommendations against each of your Red and Amber areas, showing you how you can improve
- A one year strategic implementation plan via our Enhance HR model
- Coming in an out of your business as you need us via our Employee Expert Retainer package
- Helping you with your hiring needs via our Recruitment Expert packages
- Our range of specific fixed-price services to help you with your specific HR needs
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