Natasha Hawker and Caroline De Kimpe of New Horizon Coaching talk about building employee assets – not liabilities In this podcast episode you will learn: The 9-step employee asset model Why employee relations and HR best practice are so important. The short- and long-term consequences of a broken employee relations and HR practice. The key […]
In this video blog, Natasha Hawker discusses succession planning with Geoff Green of author of Smart Business Exit Need help with succession planning for your business? Employee Matters has helped organisations with their HR needs for over a decade, improving employee retention, productivity, and morale. Outsourcing your HR needs to us can help you with […]
Anyone in business today knows the importance of a high-performing employee. They can help you get the job done, bring in more sales, help others in the office, and can even brighten your working day. These types of employees are golden tickets in the business world, and should be treasured accordingly. But this post isn’t […]
Do I hear groans? Yes, I know. “Plan” is not the sexiest word in business but it’s crucial to ensure your business is moving forward and you have a way to measure success. The beginning of the year (financial or calendar) is the best time to formulate your Strategic Plan. This can feel overwhelming, but […]
The old cliché ‘it’s not what you know but who you know’ rang true for me this past week. A candidate that had performed in a contract role in the past for us (and had done an exceptional job) contacted me to say she had applied for a role that she was really interested in […]
It hurts doesn’t it? When someone in your team decides to leave you after you have invested significant time and money in them. Just think about it – there was the recruitment drive, recruitment fees, onboarding, induction, on the job training, external training and the time it took until they were a fully functional member […]
So as 2012 draws to a close and Employee Matters celebrates its first year in business I thought that this is a great time to both reflect on the year and also thank our clients for their support. We started our client-facing work in earnest in Feb 2012 with one client – TP3, but as […]