Hit me with your best shot
22/07/2013Are you giving your business the best shot? Maybe, but maybe not – I had a client the other day ‘interview’ a candidate and it went a bit like this: Candidate arrived – Owner seemed flustered and distracted – the interview was on the couch in front of the rest of the team…Question one (and […]
Are you sick of sick employees?
03/07/2013As an SME, when you get the dreaded call that one of your team is sick – what do you do? Did they actually call or was it received by text? Most small businesses run a very lean team, so having a team member off for a day – or worse still a week – […]
We are supposedly the happiest industrialised nation in the world but how are your employees fairing? Australia has been rated the happiest OECD country, with a Better Life Index of 84% of Australians being satisfied with their lives. Interestingly though, whilst we often say we are a nation of bludgers, we work some of the […]
A couple of years back, the Federal Government announced that it was making changes to Guaranteed Superannuation Contributions – these changes will finally come into effect on 1 July 2013. What does this mean for me and my business? Compulsory superannuation contributions are made by employers of behalf of their employees. At the moment, the […]
The Five Most Common HR Myths
20/05/2013Employment Relations can be a complex area and, let’s face it – it can be hard to keep up with all the legislation changes on top of everything else you need to stay on top of as a business owner. Here are five of the myths that I hear from business owners: I pay above […]
Let your fingers do the walking
06/05/2013When I’m sitting in the bus, I am always amazed at the numbers of people plugged in to iPhones, iPads and laptops – me too right now, as I am writing this blog, but it raises a concern in me for SMEs around the country – what is happening to all the information – the […]
So what is personal leave? Sounds like secret women’s business to me. What is flexible working? Does that mean flexi-time? What is NES? Do I need to know, should I care? The answer to all these questions is yes! Back on 1/1/2010 when Fair Work Act legislation came into play so did the National Employment […]
20/04/2013I had a call recently for advice where a senior member of a team had punched another senior member. Has this ever happened at your work or almost happened? What would you do if it did? Nothing and hope it all goes away, right? Wrong! For a start, the incident could be deemed as assault […]
One very happy client – want to know why?
20/03/2013I thought it is about time I let you into a secret – we can save you over 66% of your current recruitment agency costs or, if you currently do it yourself, probably 33%. We have a client – a Technology Protection start up that has a massive presence in the US and is expanding […]
You are growing and you have decided to bring on your first permanent employee – you feel great but, be honest, a bit nervous? When you talk to entrepreneurs, this stage of business is what terrifies them most – being someone’s boss; responsible for pay, ER legislation and recruitment and then what happens if it […]