Exit interviews are a valuable tool for organisations in Australia, BUT here is the key, only when they are used properly. How many times have you: Held an exit interview and then just ‘filed it’ afterwards? Participated in an exit interview with no confidence anyone would bother taking notice of it afterwards? If done well, […]
We’ve been helping organisations across Australia with HR and Recruitment for well over a decade now, and if there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that not only are no two businesses the same, where they operate matters too. While a lot of our clients have been Sydney and Melbourne based, we have local teams across […]
In this article, we’re delving into a topic that might make some business leaders break into a cold sweat – employee terminations. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. This is your go-to guide for understanding the ins and outs of employee exits. Grab a comfy seat, and let’s jump right in! The Basics Terminations […]
With the COVID-19 pandemic only increasing the competitiveness within the job market, it is even more important for employers to retain a workforce of efficient, reliable, and high-quality employees. One vital tool for employers in terms of retaining staff are stay interviews. We take a look at what stay interviews are, how they can […]
It’s Friday afternoon and Christine, who has a series of documented performance failures, is about to be dismissed by you. You are by no means looking forward to this awkward conversation, but can be comforted by the knowledge that you have complied with your obligations thus far — and that Christine has decided to accept […]
It’s Friday afternoon and Christine, who has a series of documented performance failures, is about to be dismissed by you. You are by no means looking forward to this awkward conversation, but can be comforted by the knowledge that you have complied with your obligations thus far — and that Christine has decided to accept […]
In this HerBusiness podcast interview with the Australian Businesswomen’s Network, Natasha Hawker discusses how businesses that build high performing teams have increased profit, increased customer satisfaction, increased customer loyalty and an increased ability to attract employees. Natasha emphasises the importance of employees: they are a lever for your business, with the potential to make your […]
It’s the worst job a boss has to do, but if you can’t do it, you probably shouldn’t be running the show. For full article click Here
Recently, FWA ruled that Home Choice had unfairly dismissed an employee who had emailed the entire company calling his MD a name (rhyming with banker!) and stating that one of his hobbies was masturbation. Pretty extreme I would say, so why couldn’t they fire him and what can we learn from this case? Culture – […]
They are standard procedure when someone leaves a business. But do they achieve anything? When one of your best employees calls it quits, it can come as a bitter blow. But if a conga line of departing staff begins to form, it might be high time to find out why. Enter the exit interview. Natasha […]
Why would you ever want to do an exit interview? Just recently, a client of ours had a senior member of the team resign and we are assisting them with the replacement of this role. We have just conducted an independent exit interview with the employee leaving the role – you might ask ‘why?’ You […]
I had a call recently for advice where a senior member of a team had punched another senior member. Has this ever happened at your work or almost happened? What would you do if it did? Nothing and hope it all goes away, right? Wrong! For a start, the incident could be deemed as assault […]
It hurts doesn’t it? When someone in your team decides to leave you after you have invested significant time and money in them. Just think about it – there was the recruitment drive, recruitment fees, onboarding, induction, on the job training, external training and the time it took until they were a fully functional member […]
Every business has one ‘problem’ or non-performing employee and if you don’t, I would suspect that you are probably not being completely honest with yourself. It is a competitive world and if you are going to succeed, you not only need to ‘win the war for talent’, you need to retain it. If an individual […]
Everywhere you look at the moment there is doom and gloom and there are some organisations doing it really tough – hoping that the market will pick up but, if it doesn’t, what can you do? Some organisations may need to consider redundancies for the greater good of the business; so can you make roles […]