As we start a new year, let’s look at the big trends that Employee Matters believes will affect your ability to recruit in 2025, especially as a small to medium sized organisation in Australia. 1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) AI will continue to make inroads in all aspects of business and recruitment is no exception. Expect […]
Introduction Employee engagement can be defined as the level of commitment and motivation an employee has towards helping their organisation reach its goals. For your people to give their best, they need to believe that your company is aiming for the right goals — both from an economic standpoint and a social one — and […]
How Employers Are Encouraging the Return to the Workplace In the wake of the pandemic, workplaces are deploying innovative strategies to draw employees back into the office environment. ABC News reports on a trend where employers are offering enticing perks such as extra leave, complimentary lunches, and even recreational facilities like virtual golf courses. These […]
With the COVID-19 pandemic only increasing the competitiveness within the job market, it is even more important for employers to retain a workforce of efficient, reliable, and high-quality employees. One vital tool for employers in terms of retaining staff are stay interviews. We take a look at what stay interviews are, how they can […]
By Sandra Rajendra, Employee Expert Can I Hire Someone for Free? Sure! You don’t have to pay someone in some instances if they are doing an internship, on work experience, on trial or a vocational placement (formal work experience as part of a course). Someone may agree to enter into an unpaid arrangement if they […]
Natasha Hawker speaks at the FBAA Annual Conference on the Gold Coast, November 2016
I once worked for a company where the attrition rate was over 50% company-wide and the majority of new hires were not successful beyond the 6 month probationary period. Managers would regularly sit around wondering why the fantastic person they recently hired was now behaving so differently – and then they left! I was one […]
By Natasha Hawker People often ask me, if I could get one thing right around my people strategy, what would it be? Unfortunately, there is not one strategy that fixes everything. For example, I had a client that I initially went in to one day a week, to help with the HR for a period […]
In this episode, I chat with Natasha Hawker about savvy human resources (HR) strategies. This is one of the areas dental practice owners and managers struggle with regularly. Natasha is an employment and HR expert and director of Employee Matters. Natasha believes small businesses are the backbone of this country and work harder than anyone […]
You are finally there – you think you are ready to hire your first employee – this is an exciting and scary time. Can you afford it? Do you have enough work for them? What if they can’t do the job? You might be frightened that you don’t know how to interview. You are starting […]
Last week, I met Carol at the Coles checkout. I asked her (while she was serving another customer) whether they sold cool bags. She did not respond – not because she was ignoring me – but she didn’t hear me. That was when I saw that she had a hearing aid (in fact a cochlear […]
Virtually every business I have met to date are extremely cost conscious, and rightly so. Yet many are unaware of one of their greatest costs – their employees and I am not just talking about weekly payroll costs. Let me share an example. What is the current turnover of your business as a percentage of […]
Your business is only ever going to be as good as your employees. Whether you like it or not, you are in a war for talent, which you need to win. With the economy improving, the previous minimal rates of resignations are about to change and people with more confidence and more employability will start […]
Did you know that to be considered as an ‘older worker’ in Australia you only have to be older than 50? Now that’s pretty young (admittedly that’s coming from a 40 something!) but ask someone in their 50’s, who is looking for a job, whether they are finding it difficult to be considered for roles […]
Recently, we have been struggling to attract candidates for job opportunities that would ordinarily be grabbed with both hands by eager applicants. The task at hand would typically be evaluating the resumes of a multitude of candidates, politely declining a good number of them and then making the difficult decision on which worthy candidates we […]
It hurts doesn’t it? When someone in your team decides to leave you after you have invested significant time and money in them. Just think about it – there was the recruitment drive, recruitment fees, onboarding, induction, on the job training, external training and the time it took until they were a fully functional member […]